Invitationals Postponed

The Men’s and Ladies’ Golf Invitationals have been postponed. The new dates are yet to be announced.

Here is a message for the Ladies’ Invitational Members.

Our invitational committee met today and after several discussions with BCC staff and our committee members, we feel it is in the best interest of everyone involved to postpone our Invitational tournament.  The restrictions are tighter in Southern Utah and the Covid cases are rising.  We do not want to be in a position of unnecessarily exposing anyone to this virus and, while we had made many plans to keep everyone safe, we feel the very safest action is to reschedule our tournament – possibly to the Spring of 2021.

Our Invitational Committee has agreed to stay on for next year’s event and we hope to keep intact most of what we had already planned.  We know you will have many questions and we hope to answer them here. 

We will be reserving dates for this tournament next Spring and will notify everyone once that is tied down.  Should Spring prove to be unsafe, then we will plan the tournament for Fall of 2021.  As you know, everything about this virus is a moving target.  We will also be maintaining the same theme, “Golfin’ Away Again in Margaritaville”, so if you purchased merchandise to match the theme, hang on to it for 2021.

Regarding registration and entry fees:  All monies paid by check will be refunded within two weeks.  If you charged any tournament entry fees to your BCC account, then Ann Bowers, Treasurer, will arrange to have those deducted from your account.  If you are unsure of how you paid, please contact Ann Bowers at


Practice rounds scheduled:  If you have practice rounds scheduled effective Tuesday, October 27th through November 5th, you can keep those tee times, but guests will be charged a fee.  We are reimbursing the total amount of your entry fee and will apply it to our rescheduled tournament; thus, we want to be able to reimburse you for the total amount of $200.  If you want to cancel any practice rounds, please contact the Pro Shop ASAP at 435-673-2029.


Tee Prizes and Titleist/FootJoy Website:  We were successful in cancelling all the orders that have been placed, again allowing us to reimburse you for the total entry fees paid.  We will make the website available to players again next year and, perhaps have some new and exciting items for your consideration.

 Raffle Prizes, Silent Auction Items and Sponsors:  We are hopeful that everyone will allow us to carry forward the prizes and donations to our tournament next year.  However, Gail Anderson will be personally contacting everyone who donated a raffle prize to determine if anything you donated needs special handling.  Roberta Lynch will be contacting all the golf courses that donated rounds of golf and we will be sure that the expiration dates are modified for next year.  Marsha Boex will be personally contacting all our sponsors and she will be negotiating with everyone the best way to handle your contributions.

Since we had already started selling raffle tickets and we have no way of knowing which items were bid on by individuals, we plan to freeze the current raffle as is.  For example, if you put 5 tickets in Box #13 then your tickets will remain in that box and tickets will be drawn when the tournament resumes.  No further tickets will be sold until next year and we will guard the current raffle items and boxes in a safe place.

 Volunteers:  There is no way to tell you how much we appreciate all the folks who volunteered to help us in a variety of ways.  Karen McKelvie will be contacting you to see if you are willing to maintain your status of volunteering next year.


We recognize that next years dates may not coincide with everyone’s schedule, but we hope that everyone who signed up to play this year, will be available to play in our Invitational next year.    BCC members will be expected to reach out to their own team guests and provide them with any information they need.

 If you have questions that are not addressed here, please reach out to anyone on the committee for an answer or feel free to contact Michelle Gregory at


We are looking forward to a happy, healthy, and mask-free tournament next year.

                                                                                        Toni Murdock, Tournament Chair

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